
javascript (Closures)

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Closures are an important concept in JavaScript that allow a function to access and use variables that are defined outside of its own scope. In other words, a closure is a function that has access to its own private scope, as well as to the outer scope in which it was created. Here are some important things to know about closures:

  • A closure is created whenever a function is defined inside another function.

  • A closure allows a function to access variables from the outer function even after the outer function has returned.

  • A closure forms a "bridge" between the inner function and the outer function, allowing them to share variables and maintain state.

Here's an example of a closure in JavaScript:

scssCopy codefunction outer() {
  let count = 0;

  function inner() {

  return inner;

let closure = outer();

closure(); // Output: 1
closure(); // Output: 2
closure(); // Output: 3

In this example, the outer function defines a variable count and a nested function inner. The inner function increments the count variable and logs its value to the console. The outer function returns the inner function. When the outer function is called and its return value is assigned to closure, a closure is created. The closure variable now holds a reference to the inner function along with a private copy of the count variable. Each time the closure function is called, it accesses and updates the count variable from its outer scope, resulting in the output 1, 2, and 3 in the console.

Here's a mini-project that demonstrates the use of closures in JavaScript:

scssCopy codefunction calculator() {
  let total = 0;

  function add(num) {
    total += num;
    return add;

  function subtract(num) {
    total -= num;
    return subtract;

  function multiply(num) {
    total *= num;
    return multiply;

  function divide(num) {
    total /= num;
    return divide;

  function getResult() {
    return total;

  return {

let calc = calculator();

calc.add(5)(10)(15); // Output: undefined (chaining method calls)
calc.subtract(3)(1)(2); // Output: undefined (chaining method calls)
calc.multiply(2)(2); // Output: undefined (chaining method calls)
calc.divide(4)(); // Output: 5 (calling getResult to get the final result)

In this example, the calculator function returns an object with four methods: add, subtract, multiply, and divide, along with a getResult method that returns the current total. Each method returns itself to allow for method chaining. The calc variable holds an instance of the calculator object, which can be used to perform various mathematical operations. In this case, we chain method calls to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers, and then call the getResult method to get the final result, which is 5. This example demonstrates the power of closures in maintaining state and sharing variables between functions.

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